Welcome to StageNY.com – New York is your stage, and the world is your audience

StageNY is committed to boost national and international events by way of seminars, shows, events, competitions, etc. in areas of profession business, musical events, sports activities, cultural exchange, knowledge based events etc. StageNY is US business and believes in bringing together businesses and clients in various avenues, by way of presenting musical events, cultural shows, holding school and college students skills shows and competition; and thereby promote US businesses, promote international businesses, promote skills, encourage software biz, provide software skills exchange of individuals, provide various opportunities to businesses, promote education institutions, artists; people who need services in various areas but cannot do that for want of proper platform. We will present various events before the world and try to achieve international business exchange, cultural exchange, boost US businesses and exports, may be even international harmony and peace.

The founders of company observed many gaps in knowledge, accessibility, availability, distribution, utilization, determination, application of technology, in various areas, around the globe. Even though we intend to make money, our goal is also to help business, individuals and even cities and countries, by conducting various kinds of business and cultural exchange, imparting knowledge and training, and by providing platform for opportunity to show them the world, and also see where the world stands.

We also intend to present activities in : Mobile Technology; Software Business and Skills Exchange in India: US; US Colleges Admission Fair: India; US Professional /Lawyers Seminar: India; Individual International Art Show: USA, Music, Folk, Festival : Cultural fairs and events : USA, Indo – US Manufacturers' Biz exchange meet: India, High School Students Competition and Visit to USA; Actually showing US Cities, to municipal and city employees of underdeveloped countries, and thereby have them bring home, US achievements in town planning and maintenance, disaster control, sanitation, greenery and environment, water procurement, availability, distribution, etc.

World Cultural & Business Exchange

Our Services

Seminars, Shows, Events, Celebrations

Technology Development & Consultancy


Participate & Prosper

Upcoming Events

Pushpa Toran - India Property Show

India Real Estate Property Show for sale, lease, rent India properties like Offices, Shops, Open Lands, Business Centers, Residential Apartments, Individual apts for sale, etc.


An upcoming TEKXINDIA US-India Software Tech Exchange Platform - in India.

Singles Cruise Meet


Puhspa Krishna

Devotional performance for 3 full consecutive days in NY, USA

India Home Property Mag

US property buyers and NRIs are always looking for good property in India, for Investmen